



「日韓セミナー」は、日本国際連合学会(JAUNS: Japan Association for the United Nations Studies)と韓国国連学会(KACUNS: Korean Academic Council on the United Nations System)が共催してこれまで8年間にわたって毎年開催してきた研究会である。第9回目となる今回は、早稲田大学グローバルCOE: GIARIの共催を得て、12月11日(金)〜12日(土)に開催された。




East Asia and the United Nations
- Regional Cooperation for Global Issues -

Organized by
Japan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS)
Korean Academic Council on the United Nations System (KACUNS)

Co-organized by
Waseda University Global COE Program: Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration (GIARI)

Date: December 11-12, 2009
Venue: Room 710, GSAPS, Waseda University
Language: English (No-translation)
Admission Free, No-preregistration


Friday, December 11, 2009

Opening Remarks

  • Prof. Akio WATANABE, JAUNS President
  • Prof. Jin-Hyun PAIK, KACUNS President

1st Session: Peace and Security in East Asia

  • Moderator: Prof. Tatsuro KUNUGI (United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies)
  • Presenters:
    Japan - Assist. Prof. Miki HONDA (Waseda University)
    The Role of UN Sanctions against the DPRK in the Search for Peace and Security in East Asia: Focusing on the Implementation of UN Resolution 1874
    Korea - Prof. Sung-Hack Kang (Korea University)
    Peace and Security in East Asia: Why Democracy Slept?
  • Commentators:
    • Japan - Prof. Chikako UEKI-KAWAKATSU (Waseda University)
    • Korea - Mr. Young-Hie Kim (Senior columnist of the JoongAng Daily)

2nd Session: Global Human Rights Regime and Human Rights in East Asia

  • Moderator: Prof. Jin-Hyun Paik, KACUNS President (Seoul University)
  • Presenters:
    Korea - Prof. Heung-Soon Park (Sunmoon University)
    Global Human Rights Regime and Human Rights in East Asia: Issues and Assessments
    Japan - Assoc. Prof. Tomoko AKO (Waseda University)
    China's "Floating" Population and Issues of Human Rights in a Globalizing Economy
  • Commentators:
    • Korea - Prof. Wongi Choe (Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security)
    • Japan - Assoc. Prof. Misako TAKIZAWA (Oberlin University)

3rd Session: Human Migration in East Asia

  • Moderator: Prof. Hiroshi OHTA (Waseda University)
  • Presenters:
    Japan - Prof. Yasushi KATSUMA (Waseda University)
    Combating Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, in Japan
    Korea - Dr. Yoojin Rhee (Korea University)
    Human Migration in East Asia: Human Trafficking of North Korean Women in China
  • Commentators:
    • Japan - Prof. Saburo TAKIZAWA (Toyo Eiwa Jogakuin University)
    • Korea - Prof. Seo-Hang Lee (Institute of Foreign Affairs and national Security)
Saturday, December 12, 2009

4th Session: Sustainable Development in East Asia

  • Moderator: Amb. Joun-Yung Sun
  • Presenters:
    Korea - Prof. Intaek Han (Jeju Peace Institute)
    Sustainable Development in East Asia?: What Do the Number Say?
    Japan - Prof. Jun MATSUKUMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    Development and Human Rights
  • Commentators:
    • Korea - Prof. Heung-Soon Park (Sunmoon University)
    • Japan -Ryo OSHIBA (Hitotsubashi University)

5th Session: The Possibility of an East Asian Community

  • Moderator: Prof. Takeo UCHIDA (Chuo University)
  • Presenters:
    Japan - Emeritus Prof. Ryokichi HIRONO (Seikei University)
    The United Nations and East Asian Community for Enhanced Human Security and Sustainability
    Korea - Prof. Wongi Choe (Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security)
    The Possibility of an East Asian Community: A Korean Perspective
  • Commentators:
    • Japan - Prof. Satoshi AMAKO (Waseda Univeristy)
    • Korea - Prof. Cheol-Hee Park (Seoul National University)

Closing Remarks

  • Prof. Jin-Hyun PAIK, KACUNS President
  • Prof. Akio WATANABE, JAUNS President

