
GIARI全体 & 政治統合とアイデンティティ

研究:出版物:Working Papers 2011年度

Popular Culture and Regional Identity in East Asia: Evidence from the Asia Student Survey 2008 / Hiro Katsumata and Takeshi Iida


GIARI ワーキングペーパー


GIARI Working Paper Vol. 2011-E-3

Popular Culture and Regional Identity in East Asia:
Evidence from the Asia Student Survey 2008

Hiro Katsumata(*) and Takeshi Iida(**)
May 2011

  • (*) Assistant Professor, the Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
  • (**) Assistant Professor, the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University


The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of cultural exchanges on the formation of an East Asian regional identity. Has the spread of popular culture led to the formation of a collective identity in East Asia? A statistical analysis of the data from the Asia Student Survey 2008 demonstrates that cultural exchanges have a positive impact on the formation of an East Asian regional identity. In East Asia, the spread of popular culture has led to the formation of a collective identity or the cultivation of a sense of “we-ness” or “we-feeling.” In concrete terms, students who are more frequently exposed to cultural products originating in East Asia – specifically, TV programs, movies and animations produced in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China – tend to identify themselves more strongly as “Asians,” and be more sympathetic to the concept of “Asian citizenship.” 
