

舒 旻

早稲田大学国際教養学部 講師

業績 (2006年以降2012年まで)

  1. Shu, Min, Coping with a Two-Dimensional Political Space: PartyMobilisation in Referendums on European Integration, European Journal ofPolitical Research, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2009, 397-431
  2. Shu, Min, Referendums and the Political Constitutionalisation ofthe EU, European Law Journal, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2008, 423-445
  3. Shu, Min, Franco-German Reconciliation and Its Impact on Chinaand Japan: Scholarly Debate, Current Politics and Economics of Asia, Vol.17, No. 1, 2008, 37-58
  4. Shu, Min, Domestic Struggle over International Imbalance: ThePolitical Economy of Anti-Dumping Governance in the EU, Fudan Journal ofthe Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2008, 72-94
  5. Shu, Min, Referendums in the Process of European Integration [in Chinese], Chinese Journal of European Studies, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2007, 18-37
  1. 舒旻, 「超国家と『政府間』の共存:EUの共通通商政策の現状と課題」, 『EUのガヴァナンスと政策形成』 (田中俊郎・庄司克宏・浅見政江編), 慶応義塾大学出版会, 2009
  1. 舒旻, 「国民アイデンティティーと地域統合:ヨーロッパと東アジアの比較」, 『学術の動向』, 第14巻第5号, 2009

国際会議出席状況 (2006年以降2012年まで)

  1. Shu, Min, 2009/04, Dealing with an Emerging Economic Power: The EU's Trade Policy towards China, Lisbon, Portugal.(ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops)
  2. Shu, Min, 2008/11, Referendums and the Political Constitutionalisation of the EU, Tokyo, Japan (Keio Jean Monnet Centre for EU Studies International Symposium)
  3. 舒旻, 2008/10, 「中国から見た、アジアとヨーロッパ統合」, 日本(日本政治学会2008年度総会・研究大会)
  4. Shu, Min, 2008/09, The 2008 Irish Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, Sapporo, Japan (IPSA RC-3 Inter-Congress Workshop, Hokkaido University)
  5. Shu, Min, 2008/01, Poverty Alleviation and Human Rights in China, Tokyo, Japan (GIARI International Symposium on 'GIARI International Symposium on', Waseda University)
  6. Shu, Min, 2007/11, Market Integration and Trade Protectionism: Anti-Dumping Governance in the EU, Kyoto, Japan (3rd APRU World Institute Workshop on 'Economic Integration among Pacific Rim Economies' Kyoto University)
  7. Shu, Min, 2006/12, National Pride and Self-Identification: A Comparative Study of Asia and Europe, Macau, China. (the NESCA Conference on'The EU as Global Actor-The Political and Cultural Identity')
  8. Shu, Min, 2006/07, Franco-German Reconciliation and Its Impact on China and Japan: Scholarly Debate, Christchurch, New Zealand ( the 2nd NESCA Workshop)

獲得研究費 (2006年以降2012年まで)
