



アジア・フェロー (RA)

アジア・フェロー (RA) 2007-2008年度,2009年度,2010年度,

業績 (2006年以降2012年まで)

  1. Knudson, Troy, "Asian Integration's Low Visibility in the United States Elite Press: A Vicious Cycle of Rational Ignorance?", Asian Regional Integration Review, Waseda University Global COE Program Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration, Vol. 2, 2010, pp. 87-100
  2. Troy Keith Knudson, Problem Defining the United States Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act: Perceived Causes and Implications for Asian Economic Integration, Asian Regional Integration Review, Waseda University Global COE Program Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration, Volume 1, 2009, 36-51
  3. Troy Knudson, News about China in the US Media since the Cold War's End: Analysis of Economic Structural Determinants, GIARI Working Paper, Waseda University Global COE Program Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration, 2008 E-3, 2008
  1. Troy Knudson, Post-Cold War News Coverage and Attention toward China in the U.S. Congress, The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, The Asiatic Society of Japan, Fifth series, volume 1, 2009, 110-115
  2. Troy Knudson, Changing Representation of China and Japan in the New York Times: Implications for US Influence in Asian Integration, Dispute and Cooperation in Northeast Asia, Seoul: Yonsei University Graduate Program of Area Studies, 2008, 95-111

国際会議出席状況 (2006年以降2012年まで)

  1. Troy Knudson, 2010/10, An Institutional Approach to International News in the United States Elite Media: The Case of China's Status as Most Favored Nation, The Asian Conference on Media and Mass Communication
  2. Troy Knudson, 2010/02, United States Elite News Coverage and Congressional Attention toward China: A Time Series Analysis, 1994-2007, Academia Sinica Institute of Sociology and Tokyo University Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia Joint Workshop for Young Sociologists, Taipei, Taiwan
  3. Troy Knudson, 2009/10, Asian Integration's Low Visibility in the United States Elite Press: A Vicious Cycle of Rational Ignorance, Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Tucson, Arizona
  4. Troy Knudson, 2009/08, East Asian Regionalization's Low Visibility in the United States Elite Press: Implications for East Asia's External Legitimacy, Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration Summer Institute, Tokyo, Japan
  5. Troy Knudson, 2009/07, United States National Interest, News Coverage, and Congressional Attention in the post-Cold War: A Time Series Analysis of China Coverage and Policy, 1994-2007, Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference, Kyoto, Japan
  6. Troy Knudson, 2009/02, Problem Defining the US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act: Perceived Causes and Implications, East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii
  7. Troy Knudson, 2008/11, US News Coverage as a Predictor of Congressional Attention toward Countries: The Case of China, Asiatic Society of Japan Young Scholars Program, Tokyo, Japan
  8. Troy Knudson, 2008/08, Interpreting HR 4040 as US-China Trade Policy: Analysis of News Framing and Legislative Debate, Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration Summer Institute, Tokyo, Japan
  9. Troy Knudson, 2008/07, News about China in the US Media since the Cold War's End: Analysis of Economic Structural Determinants, Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference, Vladivostok, Russia
  10. Troy Knudson, 2007/11, Changing Representation of China and Japan in the New York Times: Implications for US Influence in Asian Integration, Millennium Graduate Students Symposium, Seoul, Korea

獲得研究費 (2006年以降2012年まで)

  1. カヌーツァン T, その他の文科省補助金, 科学研究費補助金, 米国のニュースメディアに描写される北東アジアの地域統合−内容分析からのアプローチ, 2009
  2. カヌーツァン T, その他の文科省補助金, 科学研究費補助金, 米国のニュースメディアに描写される北東アジアの地域統合−内容分析からのアプローチ, 2008

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