
GIARI “Human Rights Governance” セミナー: "Human Rights Issues in the Occupied Palestinian Territories" サウル・タカハシ氏講演(Deputy Head of Office, OPT, United Nations) (2010年12月7日)


Human Rights Issues in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Speaker: Mr. Saul Takahashi
Deputy Head of Office, OPT
United Nations
Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights

Date: December 7 (Tue), 2010
Time: 13:00−14:30 (no registration required)
Venue: Room 711, Building 19, Waseda University

Facilitator: Yasushi Katsuma, Professor, Waseda University

Organized by:
- GIARI Research Group “Human Rights Governance in Asia”
- WIAPS Research Group “Development and Human Rights”
