Research Achievements


Research:Wide-Scale Study Project:Asia-Vision Survey

The Asia-Vision survey


Purpose of the survey

The Asia-Vision survey is an attitude survey of students at Asian universities and graduate schools. The respondents to this survey will become leaders with the capability of shouldering the responsibilities of nation-building in their countries. We are exploring their values, interests, and attitudes toward neighboring countries. We would like to draw the future of Asia, which they will build. That future is the "Asia-Vision".

However, there are few multilateral attitude surveys of students in Asia. Thus, the Asia-Vision Survey is sure to be valuable from not only a research standpoint, but will be very attractive to common people as well.

Co-organaizer: OAS-RUNASIA (Research Unit of Network analysis in Asia, Organization for Asian Studies, WASEDA University)

Surveyed Countries and Regions (Planned)

Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Brunei, Mongolia, Australia, New Zealand

Survey schedule

We are planning to conduct the Asia-Vision Survey over 3 years, from 2009 to 2011.


Number of questions: 46questions + Face sheet questions
It will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Sample Questions

Q.Suppose you were to study abroad, please indicate your level of interest in studying in the following countries.

Very interestedSomewhat interestedNot really interestedNot at all interestedDon't know
a Australia12349
b Canada12349
c China12349
d France12349
e Germany12349
f India12349
g Indonesia12349
h Japan12349
i Malaysia12349
j New Zealand12349
k Philippines12349
l Singapore12349
m South Korea12349
n Thailand12349
o UK12349
p USA12349
q Vietnam12349

Q. People have different views about themselves and how they relate to the world. Would you tell us how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about how you see yourself?

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeDon't know
I see myself as a world citizen12349
I see myself as part of Asia12349

Q. Recently, there has been a great deal of discussion about the best way for the Asian region to integrate like Europe. Do you agree or disagree with the idea of an integrated Asia? Choose one.

Strongly agree with the idea of an integrated AsiaMostly agreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeDon't know

Report of Japanese Survey (in Japanese)
