Research Achievements



First GIARI Regular Research Meeting (2008-11)


Theme: GIARI International Symposium: “Human Mobility and Regional Integration in Asia: The Current Situation of Higher Education, Labor Markets and Policy Responses” – Pre-seminar

Presenters (three):
Prof. Shigeto Sonoda (Waseda University G-COE: GIARI), Prof. Kazuo Kuroda (Waseda University G-COE: GIARI) and Prof. Mitsuhide Shiraki (Waseda University G-COE: GIARI)

Moderator: Prof. Shunji Matsuoka (Waseda University G-COE: GIARI)

Date: November 10 (Mon.), 2008, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Venue: Room 710, Building No.19, Waseda University

Participants: 25 (Approx. incl. presenters)

Language: Japanese

Admission: free (no pre-registration needed)

Host: Waseda University Global COE Program – Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration (GIARI)

Poster [158KB]PDF File


Purpose of the meeting (Prof. Matsuoka):
1. To confirm the aim and flaw of the GIARI International Symposium;
2. To confirm what kind of discussions between questioners and session organizers will be made and what their purposes are and so on;
3. To confirm the discussions of the symposium and its relationship with the Society/Culture field of the COE program.

Contents of the presentations
Prof. Shigeto Sonoda: “A Social-Cultural Approach towards Fluidizing Asian Integration Studies”
Prof. Kazuo Kuroda: “Asian Regional Integration in Higher Education and Japanese Policy Responses”
Prof. Mitsuhide Shiraki: “In Response to Problems Presented”

Summary [207KB] PDF File

