[ Political Integration and Identity ]
- 2011-07-11, GIARI Lecture by Dr. LIM Tai Wei (Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- 2011-01-25, GIARI "Political Integration and Identity" Seminar: "China and the United Nations: From the Perspective of Chinese Participation in Peacekeeping Operations" by Liu Tiewa, PhD.
- 2010-11-30, Seminar: Russia and East Asian Regional Integration
- 2010-11-17, GIARI“Political Integration and Identity” Seminar: "The Evolution of China's Security Studies" by Prof. Yu Tiejun (Peking University)
- 2010-11-16, "What Ed Reischauer Would Say about U.S.-Japan Relations Today" (Dr. George Packard)
- 2010-11-02, GIARI "Political Integration and Identity" Seminar: "China's Rise and Maritime Concerns in East Asian Waters: A Perspective from ASEAN" (Dr. Carolina G. Hernadez)
- 2010-06-09, GIARI Political Integration and Identity Seminar "Coercive Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific"
- 2010-03-05, The 4th Meeting of Political Integration Group, “Explaining ‘Long Peace’ in Asia”, Vol. 4
- 2010-03-02, The 3rd Meeting of Political Integration Group, “Explaining ‘Long Peace’ in Asia”, Vol. 3
- 2010-01-15, The Next Generation International Workshop 2010 “Sino-Japanese Relations: -History, Theory and Method-”
- 2009-11-10, Sorry States: Apologies in International Politics / Jennifer Lind (Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Dartmouth College)
- 2009-10-20, The 2nd Meeting of Political Integration Group “Grand Strategy of Restraint”, Vol. 2
- 2009-10-14, The 1st Meeting of Political Integration Group “Russia's Evolving Relations with East Asia”, Vol. 1
- 2009-06-22, [Politics/Security Workshop] The Responsibility to Protect: Japan’s Role in Translating the Principle from Words to Deeds
- 2009-06-09, “Regional Architecture of Security Cooperation” Seminar: “China-Japan Relations and the U.S. Factor” / DR. QUANSHENG ZHAO