[ Political Integration and Identity ]
[ Working Papers FY2009(english-9,japanese-2) ]
- 2010-03-01, Contextual Determinants of International Third-Party Mediation: Cases of Internal Armed Conflicts in the Asia-Pacific Region / Takeshi ODAIRA, 2009-E-9
- 2009-11-30, The Impact of Nationalization and Insecure Property Rights on Oil and Gas Developments in Russia's Asia Pacific / Judith Thornton, 2009-E-7
- 2009-11-30, Russia's Security Policy towards East Asia / Shinji Hyodo, 2009-E-6
- 2009-11-30, Where In East Asia Is Russia? Implications for Regional Integration / Tsuneo Akaha and Anna Vassilieva, 2009-E-5
- 2009-10-20, Natural Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance in Asia: The Case of Myanmar / Miki HONDA, 2009-E-4
- 2009-08-01, The Origins of ASEAN+6: Japan’s Initiatives and the Agent-Structure Framework / Takashi TERADA, 2009-E-3