G-COE Researcher
Tsuneo AKAHA

Professor of International Policy Studies and Director, Center for East Asian Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies
Ph.D (University of Southern California)
G-COE Visiting Professor
Political Integration and Identity
Achievements (since 2006 till 2012)
[ Paper ]
- Tsuneo Akaha, "Human Security in East Asia: Embracing Global Norms through Regional Cooperation in Human Trafficking, Labor Migration, and HIV/AIDS", Journal of Human Security, 2009
- Tsuneo Akaha, "The Nationalist Discourse in Contemporary Japan: The Role of China and Korea in the Last Decade", Pacific Focus, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2008, pp. 156-188
[ Book ]
- Tsuneo Akaha and Brian Ettkin, "International Migration and Human Rights in Northeast Asia: A Case for Regional Approach", in Martina Timmerman, ed., Institutionalizing Northeast Asia: Making the Impossible Possible, okyo: United Nations University Press, 2008
- Tsuneo Akaha, "Non-traditional Security Cooperation for Regionalism in Northeast Asia,", in Kazuko Mori and Kenichiro Hirano, eds., A New East Asia: Toward a Regional Community, Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2008, pp. 183-198.
- Tsuneo Akaha and Anna Vassilieva, "Images in Tinted Mirrors: Japanese-Russian Mutual Perceptions in Provincial Japan", in Yulia Mikhailova; M. William Steele, eds., Japan and Russia: Three Centuries of Mutual Images, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2008, pp. 153-174.
Presentations at international conferences (since 2006 till 2012)
- Oral presentation, Tsuneo Akaha, 2009/06, "International Migration and Human Security in East Asia: The Case for A Regional Approach", Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast annual meeting, Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, California
- Oral presentation, Tsuneo Akaha, 2009/02, "From Global Norms to Regional Practice: Institutionalizing Human Security Cooperation in East Asia", at the annual convention of the International Studies Association, New York
- Oral presentation, Tsuneo Akaha, 2008/12, "Human Migration and Security in East Asia", at the Conference on the Enlargement of the EU and East Asian Regional Reorganization and Integration_Focusing on Three Dimensions: Reconciliation, Security Policy and Immigration Mobility, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo
- Oral presentation, Tsuneo Akaha, 2008/07, "Immigration in Japan", Second Global International Studies Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Oral presentation, Tsuneo Akaha, 2008/06, "China in the Contenporary Nationalist Reconstruction of 'Japan'", Sino-Jappanese Relations Research Symposium, University of Hong Kong, Depertmant of Japanese Studies
- Oral presentation, Tsuneo Akaha, 2008/03, "The Nationalist Discourse in Comtemporary Japan: The Role of China, Korea, and Russia", annual convention of the International Studies Assosiation, San Francisco
- Oral presentation, Tsuneo Akaha, 2008/01, "Regional Cooperation over Infectious Disease: With Focus on HIV/ AIDS", International Syposium