
“East Asian Community and Japan-Korean Relations” Lectured by Professor.Ra Jong-yil (28 May (Fri.), 2010)


GIARI “Economic Integration and Sustainability” Seminar
  • Lecturer: Professor. Ra Jong-yil
  • Title: East Asian Community and Japan-Korean Relations
  • Date/Time: 28 May (Fri.) 16:00-17:20
  • Venue: Room 710, Building 19 ,Waseda University
  • Moderator: Jemma Kim , Assistant Professor, Waseda University
  • Language: English (*) Translation: Japanese-Korean, Korean-Japanese in Q&A session
  • No-preregistration required
  • Organized by: GIARI GIARI : Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration(Waseda University Global COE Program)

Dr. RA Jong-yil

Dr. RA Jong-yil
President Ra Jong-yil has had a long and distinguished career in public service and academia. A graduate of Seoul National University (from which he received his BA and MA degrees) he also holds a Ph.D. in international relations from Cambridge University.

His early career was as a Professor of Political Science at Kyunghee University in South Korea. From 1996 to 1998, he played a key role in the first peaceful change of government through electoral process in Korea and served as the Director of Administration in the Kim Dae-jung Presidential Transition Committee. During President Kim's time in office, Dr Ra served as both the First and Second Director of the Republic of Korea's National Intelligence Service. During the administration of President Roh Moo-hyun, he also served as Senior Advisor to the President on National Security.

Dr Ra has also held a number of very senior diplomatic postings, serving from 2001 to 2003 as ROK Ambassador to the United Kingdom and from 2004 to 2007 as ROK Ambassador to Japan.

Dr Ra has published widely on a range of subjects, including political theory, cultural politics in Northeast Asia, Cold War issues, and on the politics and governance of North Korea. He is currently the President of Woosuk University.


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