
The Next Generation International Workshop 2010
"Sino-Japanese Relations: -History, Theory and Method-"


The Next Generation International Workshop 2010
"Sino-Japanese Relations: -History, Theory and Method-"

Date: January 15, 2010
Venue: Building 19, Room 309
Language: English and Japanese
Organizer: Waseda University Organization for Asian Studies
Co-organizer: Waseda University Global COE(GIARI)


The People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Japan are the two largest powers and the most important countries in East Asia. How should we understand the relations between the two great powers since the end of World War II? How does the so-called "history problem" and mutual perception influence the bilateral relations? What are the origin of Japan’s China policy and China’s Japan policy? What research methods could we employ to better understand the bilateral relations systematically? This next generation international workshop on Sino-Japanese relations attempts to answer the questions raised above.

Mong Cheung

Chief Coordinator
The Next Generation International Workshop 2010
Organization for Asian Studies, Waseda University


Opening Remarks
Satoshi Amako (Professor, Graduate School of Asian-Pacific Studies, Waseda University)
MC:Mong Cheung(Research Associate, Organization for Asian Studies)

Session 1:Historical Memory, Mutual Perception and Self Image(HistoryJIS+2D35)

May-yi Shaw(Harvard University, PhD candidate): Through the Eyes of the Civilians: History Narrated Through the Literature and Memory of Wartime Everyday Living
Haruko Satoh(Cambridge University, PhD candidate): The Impact of Single Party Rule and National History
Christian Wirth(Waseda University, PhD candidate): China and Japan in the 21st Century: Governments' Views and Understandings of Processes of Globalization in the Security Political, Environmental and Maritime Spheres
Commentator:Yuko Ando ( Waseda University, Research Fellow of Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies)
−Free Discussion*
*All sessions: Presentation 20 minutes, comments / questions 30 minutes

Lunch Break

Session 2:The Origin of China's Japan Policy/ Japan's China Policy(HistoryJIS+2D36)(13:30-14:40)
(Japanese Session)

Sachiko Hirakawa (Waseda University, Assistant Professor):The Origin of Japan`s China Policy: The Birth of the Separation of Politics and Economics
Xianfen Xu(Waseda University, Lecturer):China`s Japan Policy: Origin and Development
Commentator:Zhihui Yang(Keisen University, Associate Professor)
−Free Discussion
Session 3:Foreign Policy Decision Making in China and Japan (Theory)

Masato Kamikubo(Waseda University, Assistant Professor): Japanese International Monetary Policy-Making: Comparative Institutional Analysis with China
Chun Zhang  (Shanghai Institute of International Studies, Research Fellow) : China Engaging Africa: Policy, Process, and Prospect
Commentator:Christian Wirth (Waseda University)
−Free Discussion

Coffee Break

Session 4:The Methodology of Sino-Japanese Relations Studies: Review and Prospect (Method)

Mong Cheung(Waseda University, Research Associate): Sino-Japanese Relations Studies in China and Japan: A Methodological Review
Derek M.C. Yuen(Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lecturer): The Methodology of Sino-Japanese Relations Studies: A Taoist View
Commentator:Kazuhiko Noguchi (Tokai University, Associate Professor)
−Free Discussion

Concluding Remark: 17:10-17:30

Clsoing Dinner: 18:00
