
WUDSN (Waseda University Doctoral Student Network) November 2009 Events


Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

"The Internationalization of Higher Education from Institutional and Individual Perspectives: The Case of Vietnam National University, Hanoi"

Speaker: Nguyen Thuy Anh
PhD Candidate at Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies and Research Assistant at Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration (GIARI), Waseda University.
She is currently a faculty member of the College of Economics, Vietnam National University.
Abstract [35KB]

Ms. Nguyen Thu Anh's research is centered on the internationalization of tertiary education and Asian regional cooperation and integration in the field of higher education. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how internationalization of higher education is perceived and implemented at the institutional and individual levels in a specific context from the perspectives of the institutional key actors. To this end, the research firstly studies the practices and strategies of internationalization at VNU and its member institutions. Secondly, it examines the rationales, risks, obstacles and priorities attributed to internationalization in VNU by its key actors. Finally, it investigates how key actors' perceptions and practices are different from or similar to one another depending on their backgrounds.

Poster [76KB]

Date: Tuesday, November 24th, 2009
Time: 17:00-19:00
Venue: Waseda University, Building No.19, Room 309

Presentation in English (No Interpreter)
Admission Free / No Pre-Registration Required
Organized by Waseda University Doctoral Student Network (WUDSN)
Supported by Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration (GIARI)

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

"The Possibilities and Limitations of Japanese Multicultural Coexistence: An Analysis of Contemporary Approaches to Diversity Through the Prism of Multiculturalism"

Speaker: Stephen R. Nagy, PhD
Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong's Japanese Studies Department
Research Associate at Waseda University's Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies from October 2007 to November 2009.
Abstract/Short Biography [88KB]

Stephen's research is centered on the implications of migration in non-traditional countries of immigration such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan, the manner integration will take place and future constructs of national identity, nationality, citizenship and the ability of these countries to navigate through this process. He is also interested in research linking human security and migration to Asian regional integration.

Poster [79KB]

Date: Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
Time: 18:00-20:00
Venue: Waseda University, Building No.19, Room 309
Discussant: Gracia Liu-Farrer, PhD, Associate Professor at GSAPS, Waseda University
Presentation in English (No Interpreter)
Admission Free / No Pre-Registration Required
Organized by Waseda University Doctoral Student Network (WUDSN)
Supported by Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration (GIARI)

