
WUDSN (Waseda University Doctoral Student Network) April-May 2009 Events


April 21st by Mr. Nobuyuki Kishida

The chemical warfare in the Asia-Pacific war and its aftermath: From the Australian Experiments to the ACW disposal in China

    Speaker: Mr. Nobuyuki Kishida
    (2nd year of PhD candidate in the Graduate School of Commerce at Waseda University)
  • Mr. Kishida translated Bridget Goodwin's book "Keen as Mustard" into Japanese. He will present this book and hold a discussion about the implications of the work for Japanese.
  • MBA, Waseda Business School, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, 2005
  • B.A., Political Science, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, 1988.

Although the Imperial Japanese usage of the chemical warfare (CW) during the Asia-Pacific War was known to the Allied, it had been kept as a secret from post war Japanese people for several decades. Worst of all, it makes difficult to deal with CW side effects for Japan nowadays, such as the disposal of the abandoned chemical warfare (ACW) in China, the lawsuits by the ACW victims, and so on.

On the other hand, there was another well kept secret CW issue on the Allied side. Large scale experiments were conducted in Australia from 1942 to 1945 so as to prepare possible invasions with CW. Not knowing the evil after effect of the mustard gas, over 2,000 Australians were used as "human guinea pigs" in harsh field experiments. Many of them had suffered seriously for life without adequate compensations.

In the presentation, discussions on the implications of new knowledge from the Australian experiments will be made after brief surveys on the Japanese CW and its aftermaths. It includes the recent progress of ongoing issues mentioned above.

PosterPDF File

Date: Tuesday, April 21st, 16:00〜18:00
Venue: Sodai-Nishiwaseda Bldg 19 Room 316
Organizer: WUDSN / Supported by GIARI
Language: English

Commentator: Dr. Bridget
Goodwin Author of “Keen as Mustard”
Former Associate Professor at Bond University
Journalist and Film Maker

April 27th by Ms.Lui Sullen (劉 曙麗) (Japanese 日本語発表)


    Speaker: Ms.Lui Sullen (劉 曙麗)
  • 早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究科・国際関係学専攻・博士課程
  • 早稲田大学グローバルCOEプログラム・アジア地域統合フェロー







PosterPDF File

日時: 2009年4月27日(月)14:30-16:30
Date: Monday, April, 27th 14:30-16:30
会場: 早大西早稲田 ビル19号館 316号室
Venue: Sodai-Nishiwaseda Bldg 19 Room 316
Organizer: WUDSN / Supported by GIARI
Language: Japanese 日本語発表

May 12th by Mr. Jeet Bahadur Sapkota

Impacts of Globalization on Human Welfare and Poverty in Developing Countries in the Asia-Pacific in Comparison with Other Regions: Evidence from Panel Data

    Speaker: Mr. Jeet Bahadur Sapkota
  • PhD Candidate, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
  • Research Fellow, Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration

This paper examines the impacts of globalization on human welfare and poverty in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region in comparison with other regions of the world. The paper uses the panel data of all the developing countries as far as data are available on the World Development Indicator (WDI) online database of the World Bank and the Human Development Reports (WDR) of the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP). Applying the regression analysis method the paper shows that all the major elements of globalization, including international trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), foreign aid, international migration and international tourism, have positive and significant impacts on human development in the Asia-Pacific region as well as elsewhere in the world. It also finds out that these factors have negative but significant impacts on human poverty as well. Comparatively, in South Asia, global economic integration has a more significant impact on human development than in countries in the Asia Pacific Region but a less significant impact than in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. This indicates that the poorer the region is, the greater the impact of global economic integration. This finding is also supported by the other results. For instance, in the Low Income Countries (LICs) the impact of global economic integration is the highest as compared with the Lower-Middle Income Countries (LMCs) and even lower than for the Upper Middle Income Countries (UMCs). Thus, it is concluded that the globalization benefits the poorer countries more, which ultimately helps to meet the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by reducing human poverty significantly. However, further research is essential to examine the impacts of globalization on certain geographical areas, certain group of people, and on certain sectors within a country.

PosterPDF File

Date: Tuesday, May, 12th, 16:00-18:00
Venue: Sodai-Nishiwaseda Bldg 19 Room 316
Organizer: WUDSN / Supported by GIARI
Language: English

May 26th by Mr. Eiji Yamamoto 山本英嗣 (日本語発表)


Speaker: Mr. Eiji Yamamoto 山本英嗣



Poster [388KB]

Date: Tuesday,May 26th, 18:00 - 20:00
Venue: Sodai-Nishiwaseda Bldg 19 Room 608
Organizer: WUDSN / Supported by GIARI

Language: Japanese

